Curious about where you can find information about CodeMark certified building products?
The Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) register is a comprehensive list of active Certificates of Conformity (certificates) that have been issued by Certification Bodies under the CodeMark and CodeMark Australia schemes. The register, is updated as new certificates are issued or when existing certificates are amended or withdrawn.
JAS-ANZ is pleased to announce the introduction of a new, targeted search facility for CodeMark users.

The new search functionality includes:
- Organisation name
- Certificate number
- Building Code version
- Key word
- Accredited body
Did you know?
PDF versions of certificates issued under the CodeMark Australia scheme are now available through the register.
Once you have a list of results, to navigate to the certificate simply click on the ‘Organisation Name’. You will see a summary of the certification details and you can select the ‘Download Certificate’ button.
How do I get a copy of certificates under the previous scheme?
Certificates issued under the previous scheme are available through the CodeMark Certification Body that issued the certificate.
To help you find these, JAS-ANZ has provided a list of organisations that might be able to assist.
More information
If you require specific information of a technical nature about a certificate, you can contact the CodeMark Australia Certification Body as listed on the relevant CodeMark Certificate of Conformity.
Contact details for CodeMark Certification Bodies are included on the CodeMark certificate and are also available through the JAS-ANZ website.